High Performance Coaching

Unlock your full surfing potential with our High-Performance Surf Coaching programs, designed for surfers aiming to take their skills to the next level. Whether you're a competitive surfer or simply looking to maximize your performance, our coaching blends expertise, cutting-edge techniques, and individualised training plans tailored to your goals.

  • With years of experience coaching surfers at the highest level, our team is passionate about helping surfers refine their skills and push their limits. We use the latest in surf coaching methodologies, including:

    • Video Analysis: Breaking down every wave to pinpoint areas for improvement.

    • Biomechanics Training: Enhance your technique and efficiency by mastering the movement patterns of elite surfers.

    • Wave Reading & Positioning: Learn to read the ocean and position yourself for the best waves, an essential skill for outpacing your competition.

    • Mental Performance Coaching: Develop the focus and mental toughness needed to stay sharp in high-pressure situations.

    • Strength & Conditioning: Specialized fitness plans that target the unique demands of surfing, ensuring peak physical performance in the water.

  • Our coaching goes beyond the basics, offering:

    • Custom Training Programs: Each surfer is different. That’s why our coaches create personalised plans based on your individual goals, strengths, and areas for growth.

    • Progress Tracking: From session to session, we monitor your development to ensure consistent progress.

    • The Latest Techniques: We stay up-to-date with the latest research and developments in surf coaching to deliver world-class training. From advanced equipment to modern training methods, our surfers are equipped with everything they need to succeed.

  • Our coaching team consists of expert surfers and professionals who have worked with athletes ranging from local rising stars to international WSL competitors. With a deep understanding of competitive surfing, we provide insights that can only come from years of experience on the world stage.

    • Competitive surfers looking to improve performance & gain strategical insights from WSL competitors. .

    • Intermediate to advanced surfers ready to push their surfing to the next level.

    • Surfers preparing for regional, national, or international competitions

    • Anyone serious about maximizing their surf potential

Ready to take your surfing to the next level?

Contact us to schedule your first high-performance session - info@scelitesurfing.com

Whether you're preparing for a competition or just want to dominate your local break, we’ll give you the tools and training you need to succeed.